Emergency Planning For Schools
Keeping our students safe during emergencies and disasters, whether it is in person or at home with distance learning, safety is part of Connect Consulting Services’ mission.
School Emergency Preparedness Toolkit
Our Toolkit is as easy as downloading, inserting your school’s information, and sharing with your staff.
The School Emergency Preparedness Planning Toolkit is based upon the four core emergency management and business continuity best practices:
- Emergency Operations Plan
- Communications Plan
- Policies and Procedures
- Training and Exercise Program
Plus Bonus Best Practice Documents!
- Incident Command System
- Hazard Response Plans (Flood, Active Shooter, Infectious Disease, Earthquake, etc.)
- COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Response Guide
- Pandemic Reopening Planning Consideration Checklist

How to Prepare Your School for Emergencies and Disasters

Virtual Trainings
- Infectious Control Planning
- COVID-19 in Schools
- Surviving an Active Shooter Incident
- Crisis Communications, Media Relations, Public Information Officer
- Infection Control
- HAZMAT First Responder Operations/Awareness
- Workplace Violence
- Disaster Mental Health
- Personal preparednes

Drills and Exercises
We pride ourselves in offering our clients peace of mind by helping them prepare for, learn the skills to respond to and recover from a disaster. Drills and exercises are the perfect way to test your plan, prepare your staff, and improve your school’s safety.

Customized Emergency Plans
- Business Continuity Planning
- Business Impact Analysis and Risk Assessment
- Emergency Management Planning
- Hazard Vulnerability Analysis
- All hazards emergency operations planning
- Continuity of Operations (COOP) planning
- IT and disaster recovery planning
- Medical Surge Planning